Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm Home!

Sorry about the hiatus, I would say that I was busy but that's not completely true. I got pretty annoyed at blogging on my iPad because you can't scroll once you've typed anything in  so that made it very difficult. Then, when I got back, it was like a Mount Everest of homework and other stuff, and then three of my teachers decided to give quizzes two days after I got back, so I was a bit stressed. It's okay now though!
I would like to say that I have an exciting new craft project or something, but I don't at the moment, because every weekday was spent at school and then doing homework until about 8:00, so I really didn't have a lot of time to do anything. I don't know whether or not I'll update this week, because I have one more quiz, then a test, and also an essay to write. Oh well, I don't want to bore you with my work! Go out somewhere and have fun and I'll write next weekend at the very least.
