Friday, January 25, 2013


     On Thursday morning during first period, my friend and I were sitting in French class when the announcements came on. Generally, I don't listen closely to the announcements, but this one in particular caught my attention. Apparently, there has been a movement around the school to make a Quidditch team!
     My friend and I have been Harry Potter fanatics since about fourth or fifth grade, so naturally we were both excited. Later, we went on the school website where it describes how to play Muggle Quidditch.
     Essentially, it's people running around, trying to get a ball (the Quaffle) through one of three hoops. There's the golden snitch, which is played by one person running around the field, trying not to get caught by either team's Seeker.
     There are seven players on the traditional Quidditch team. Firstly, you have the seeker, whose only job is to catch the golden snitch. Then there's the keeper, who tries to stop the Quaffle from going into either of their team's hoops. There are three chasers, who generally try to get the Quaffle through the other team's hoops, and two beaters. Beaters try to stop the bludgers (two stone balls that try to knock players on either team off of their brooms) from harming their team. The bludgers probably wouldn't be allowed, nonmagical or not, because it is probably a liability.
     Either way, I know that if the sport/club is approved, I'll be ready to sign up this spring!


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